Software development experience in one or more general purpose programming languages
Ability to communicate complex ideas effectively, both verbally and in writing, in English and Farsi
Exceptional analytical and quantitative problem-solving skill
Minimum 3 years of team working experience in a software development company
- Preferred qualifications
- Experience developing scalable codes
- Strong programming skills in C++ ، C#
- (System Design (System analyse, Source control
- Experience designing interactive applications
- Experience working with two or more from the following(Server side Programming, Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Java, iOS Dev, Data Mining, Real Time Graphics)
- Preferred qualifications
- Your main responsibilities include
- Design, develop, test, deploy, maintain and improve software architecture
- Manage individual project priorities, deadlines and deliverables
ارسال درخواست برای شغل System Software Engineer X
ارائه شده توسط: اوستا AVESTA
نام کاربری شما: (نمایش پروفایل)
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