Our client is a well known game studio – based on Austin-Texas -looking for Concept Artists who will join their studio in Isfahan – Iran.
Role Responsibilities:
- Creates concept art on different projects, being able to define the look of a game.
- Working closely with Game Director and Programming department to ensure visual quality is consistent across multiple platforms
- Versatile in style, ranging from casual games to mid-core art styles.
- Efficient in iterating ideas and early concepts, strong in scribbles and color palettes.
- Quickly prototype new game art
- Requirements:
- At least 2 years’ professional experience working in games or film
- Expert Photoshop experience.
- Excellent understanding of light and color
- An eye for detail
Strong portfolio with multiple samples of digital art.
- Ability to communicate in English is preferred
- Game development experience is a plus
- Willing to travel is preferred
Please forward your CV and Cover letter to ts2techrecruiter@gmail.com
We connect great talent to great jobs in the interactive gaming, social media, and technology space.ارسال درخواست برای شغل Concept Artist Mid-level X
ارائه شده توسط: TS2Tech
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