Our client is a well known game studio – based on Austin-Texas -looking for Game Designer(Writer) who will join their studio in Isfahan – Iran.
Role Responsibilities:
- Envision and create game story
Envision and create game content (lore, dialogue, etc)
Working closely with Game Director and Programming department
- Requirements:
- Candidates must be a professional writer or have 3+ years as a Writer in the games or entertainment industries
Extensive experience playing games -
Extremely strong documentation skillsWilling to take a test
Ability to communicate in English is preferred - Game development experience is a plus
- Willing to travel is preferred
Please forward your CV and Cover letter to ts2techrecruiter@gmail.com
We connect great talent to great jobs in the interactive gaming, social media, and technology space.ارسال درخواست برای شغل Game Designer (Writer) Mid-level X
ارائه شده توسط: TS2Tech
نام کاربری شما: (نمایش پروفایل)
> شما فقط یک بار می توانید برای این شغل درخواست بفرستید. در اطلاعات ارسالی تان دقت کنید و پس از تکمیل نهایی ارسال کنید
Hi I am Game Designer & 3DArtist You Can Call Me : 09129348366